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Center of Mass, Linear Momentum & Rotation
Linear Momentum, Center of Mass and Collision
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Center of Mass and System of Particles (10:34)
Newton's second law of motion applied to a system of particles (8:28)
Impulse and Momentum (Impulse Momentum Principle) (10:56)
Elastic and Inelastic Collision and The Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum (10:15)
Elastic Collision: Equation Derivations (9:53)
Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation (10:05)
Rotational Dynamics. Angular Variables, Inertia and Torque
Angular Variables in Rotation (15:39)
Constant Angular Acceleration: Derivation of Equations of Rotational Motion (11:06)
Moment of Inertia and The Parallel Axis Theorem (13:26)
What is Torque in Physics and How to Find The Direction of Torque (9:32)
Newton's Second Law of Motion in Rotation (7:23)
Kinetic Energy of Rotating Bodies (8:20)
Rotational Dynamics: Full Lesson Summary
Rolling, Torque and Angular Momentum
What is Rolling in Physics? (7:57)
Rotational Kinetic Energy, Translational Kinetic Energy and Forces in Rolling Motion (12:23)
Mastering Torque: Key to Rotational Motion (7:20)
Angular Momentum (Newton’s Second Law in Rotational Form) (7:25)
How is angular momentum calculated for a rotating rigid body? (4:50)
Physics Problems & Solutions (Momentum, Collision and Center of Mass)
Center of Mass of Falling Rocks (3:00)
Conservation of Energy and Linear Momentum Conservation (2:20)
Center of Mass of Two Particles - Projectile Motion (6:43)
Using Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation to Find % Fuel Burnt (3:27)
Elastic Collision and Jupiters Slingshot (3:49)
Physics of Cue Ball Collisions: Conservation of Momentum (3:26)
Impulse in a Falling Elevator: Can Jumping Before Fall Reduce the Impulse (4:41)
Impulse-Momentum Theorem: Free Fall Collision of a Diver (2:56)
Calculating Maximum Force During Ball Collision Using Impulse-Momentum Theorem (4:06)
Kinetic Energy Change After Explosion (Using Momentum and Energy Conservation) (2:28)
Finding the Mass of a Block Using Momentum and Friction (2:56)
Inelastic Collision of two Putty Balls: Conservation of Momentum and Energy (4:36)
Energy Conservation and Momentum Conservation of a Ball Projected in a Gun (3:20)
What Is the Common Velocity in a Frictionless Collision Scenario? (3:42)
Conservation of Energy and Momentum Applied to Collision Problems? (5:39)
Elastic Collision Calculations: Determining Final Speeds Using Conservation Principles (3:51)
Analyzing Elastic Collisions and Projectile Motion with Pucks (2:30)
Collision Physics: Solving for the Angle Between Velocities in Inelastic Collisions (2:04)
Physics Problems & Solutions (Rotation)
Start Time for a Wheel Covering 120 Radians in 4 Seconds @ Constant Angular Acceleration (4:17)
Calculations for Angular Velocity of a Rotating Toast (3:30)
Calculate Angular Acceleration to Stop a Rotating Flywheel (5:11)
Understanding Angular Velocity Through the Spinning Wheel Arrow Problem (3:36)
Belt-Driven Wheels: Calculating Angular Speed and Acceleration (2:58)
Flywheel Deceleration: Calculating Angular Acceleration and Total Revolutions (5:19)
How Mass Position Influences Rotational Inertia of a System of Rotating Masses (4:40)
Why Combine Tangential and Radial Acceleration in Circular Motion? (4:41)
What’s the Moment of Inertia and Kinetic Energy of a Spinning Flywheel? (3:14)
Rotation Dynamics of a Plate: Finding the Net Torque (3:07)
Torque And Angular Acceleration Explained Through Judo (5:22)
Calculating Angular Acceleration: Rotational Dynamics of a Falling Chimney (5:49)
Physics Problems & Solutions (Rolling, Torque and Angular Momentum)
Cylinder Rolling Down an Inclined Plane (5:15)
Rotational Energy of a Sphere Rolling Up a Plane (5:47)
How to Calculate the Launch Speed of a Rolling Ball (Physics Rolling Motion) (4:53)
Rolling without Slipping Motion and Rolling with Slipping: 2 Phase Physics Problem (9:10)
Torque and Angle Between Force and Position Vector (3:45)
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Kinetic Energy of Rotating Bodies
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